Google Reader adds search

September 14, 2007

You would expect that a company that specializes in, some might even go so far as to say perfects, the art of search would include the functionality in their own news reader. However, until now, the Google Reader application has been without a search feature. At the volume in which news entries flow through the door, this oversight is practically inexcusable.

Well, Google finally pardoned itself and added search capability to Google Reader, as you can see in this screenshot.

Google Reader search screenshot

The search allows you to restrict by folder (tag), feed, starred items, and shared items. It does not appear to offer date filtering, which is a big disappointment. I am hoping that other search options will come in time.

I have been dying to have a search feature for my blogroll for a long time. This feature will be especially powerful for the JavaBlogs feed since their search is downright horrible. Someone needs to enlighten those Atlassian folks about Lucene and its ORM complements, Compass and Hibernate Search.

Posted at 05:26 PM in Technology | Permalink Icon Permalink

1 Comment from the Peanut Gallery

1 | Posted by Brett Jackson on September 16, 2007 at 05:49 AM EST

Hi Dan, Brett from Atlassian Product Management here. It would be great to hear more on on your thoughts regarding Lucene, Compass, Hibernate etc. We are investigating a few possibilities to improve Confluence's search capabilities currently and are very aware that it can be better. feel free to drop me a line if you want. brett at

cheers Brett