Spring into Seam series published

April 18, 2008

Needless to say, I have been busy. A fair amount of that time has been dedicated to the production of Seam in Action. But that doesn't mean I want to leave my readership left hanging while I push characters around on the screen. So today, I have news that you are going to be thrilled to hear...

As you may have gathered, I am a big fan of both Spring and Seam. In fact, when I first learned Seam, I found myself torn between the two. That was, until I discovered that it is possible to use them simultaneously, each for their strengths. To advocate this integration, I decided to spin off a portion of the online Spring integration chapter from Seam in Action as a three-part series for JavaWorld titled Spring into Seam, set to be released over a three week period. The first part in the series explains how to build a Spring-Seam hybrid component, a managed object that benefits from functionality provided by both the Seam and Spring containers. In Part 2, you'll learn how to infuse state into traditionally stateless Spring beans by allowing them to reside in Seam contexts, and how to inject stateful Seam components into Spring beans. Finally, in Part 3, you'll learn how to integrate Seam and Spring at the most basic level by having them share a persistence manager.

The good news about this series is that not only do you get the content for free, but you also get it sooner in its final revised form! By the end of the series, you will walk away as an enlightened developer, no longer interested in the trite Spring versus Seam debates, but rather looking for more ways to extract value out of the unmatched features of both frameworks. To you, it's all gravy!

This post is syndicated from Dan Allen's Amazon Blog.

Posted at 02:18 PM in Java, Seam, Seam News, Seam in Action | Permalink Icon Permalink

5 Comments from the Peanut Gallery

1 | Posted by Lars Tackmann on April 21, 2008 at 11:25 AM EST

Great article, it came at excatly the right time (I am working on adding a Seam web frontend to a existing Spring application).

Would you know if it is possible to use a Spring managed entitymanager in Seam (LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean) ?. The other way around is certanly possible but since most people I know is using Seam together with existing Spring apps it sure would be nice if one could keep the entitymanager in Spring.

2 | Posted by Dan Allen on April 21, 2008 at 12:05 PM EST

@Lars, just wait for part 3! You will get all the dirty details you are looking for.

3 | Posted by Lars Tackmann on May 23, 2008 at 06:12 AM EST

Thanks - part 3 saved my life (you seam to be doing this allot these days). I have published a mavenised Seam/Spring sample which shows how to run unit tests using embedded jetty as well as container less testing.

The sample is located here (subversion url): http://svn.randompage.org/java/samples/seam/wiki/

Anyway thanks for publishing this and I am looking forward to reading your book once it is finished.

4 | Posted by Bruno on January 09, 2009 at 07:30 AM EST

Great article!

Correct link for part 3: http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-05-2008/jw-05-spring-seam3.html

5 | Posted by Dan Allen on January 09, 2009 at 11:21 PM EST

Thanks for the heads up @Bruno. I corrected the link in the article.