Category: Technology
People en masse influence any industry with a set of beliefs and understandings. I comment on the human aspect of technology, how it affects our daily lives and how we affect the industry.
- Google Reader adds search | Posted Sep 14, 2007
- You would expect that a company that specializes in, some might even go so far as to say perfects, the art of search would include...
- Life Without BaseCamp | Posted May 7, 2006
- ...would be pure chaos. In fact, I can't even remember what life was like without it, or how I even managed to stay afloat. BaseCamp,...
- Another One Bites the Dust | Posted Oct 18, 2005
- I was beginning to wonder how many times I had to lose my data before I sat down to setup backups for my computers. Backing...
- GnuPG and Beer | Posted Oct 4, 2005
- These two topics, GnuPG and beer, may, at first glance, appear to be entirely unrelated. However, once you become acquainted with the purpose of a...
- Google on the Road | Posted Jul 14, 2005
- Google is a tremendous search engine and a huge timesaver. Besides indexed searches, it provides maps, directions, weather, stock quotes, definitions, etc. However, all of...
- How Gmail Does Threading | Posted Apr 29, 2005
- A lot of folks have focused on the storage capacity when talking about one of Google's recent initiatives, . However, apart from the initial shock...
- XM is Everywhere! | Posted Jan 13, 2005
- Well, at least for me it is. Over the holiday, I received Delphi's Roady2 and a subscription to the XM satellite music service and...
- Plug and Pray | Posted Jan 9, 2005
- Who better than Conan O'Brien to humiliate Bill Gates in front of the world. This is truly a moment to remember folks. Conan's truly evil...
- Read Mythical Man Month | Posted Jun 11, 2004
- Read this book. Read it! Put everything else down and read it! I just don't know how else to say it. And don't think for...
- Wireless Grab-bagging | Posted May 15, 2004
- This morning I had to take my car in for service and an oil change, an ordeal which usually lasts just long enough for boredom...