$Id: Changelog 2395 2006-10-22 20:04:14Z dallen $ DOM Menu: Dynamic Javascript 'Popup' Menu version 0.3.7 (2006/10/22): * added frameset support by adding a subMenuTargetFrame setting * added example to demonstrate frameset ability * added a HOWTO document * updated demos * fix vertical menu in IE when not in standards compliance mode (no DTD) * implement horizontalExpand so that horizontal submenus can expand west * rename the domMenu_showXXX methods to more meaningful names * demonstrate the assignment of a style to a single menu item * renamed domLib_detectCollisions to domLib_detectObstructions * added domLib_detectObstructionsEnabled to allow disabling of feature version 0.3.6 (2006/10/19): * IE7 can draw over select boxes, so disable the detection * hotfix release to support IE7 detection * fix clear timeout bug when id is not a number version 0.3.5 (2005/05/24): * improved flash hiding code (only search for object) * changed default style in examples to something sexy ;) * added an example for flash animation hiding * fixed some hiding cases with Konqueror version 0.3.4 (2005/05/22): * unhighlight sibling menu on switch, regardless of open submenus * disable submenus in MacIE 5.2 (top level still works) * fix offset problem in submenu when opera/safari using margin on body * improve comments version 0.3.3 (2005/05/20): * added support for hiding flash animations * change id naming scheme to use - rather than [ and ] * updates of some demo look&feel * resync with the domLib.js library * Mac IE is support in spirit, as submenus are disabled * Opera 8 enabled * Menu no longer loads if data Hash is empty * Added info in README about how to make the program smaller using jsmin * Fixed memory leaks in IE caused by using inner functions and circular references. * domTT and domMenu can now be used on the same page * Mac IE and Safari are now supported * domMenu has been converted to be fully domLib compliant. This improves functionality and cuts down on the code needed when using both domTT and domMenu. * The url for the arrow picture used when expanding the menu can now be changed using the expandMenuArrowUrl parameter. version 0.3.2 (2003/02/09): * added support for IE 5.0 * fixed problem when submenu was deactivated and parent would highlight * added a converter from phplayersmenu version 0.3.1 (2003/01/04): * added 'contentsHover' if you want to swap images on hover/active * simplified changeActivePath() some regarding the new active path * fixed a bug which would cause the menu to deactivate on mouseover in some cases version 0.3.0 (2003/01/02): * tremendous code cleanup and redesign * compatibility with Konqueror, Opera * many IE bug fixes * screen edge detection * better offset settings * improved data structure design for settings * multiple menus can coexist * many demo improvements version 0.2.2 (2002/12/21): * added initial code for doing screen edge detection version 0.2.1 (2002/12/18): * fixed a bug where timeouts were not cleared because of typo version 0.2.0 (2002/12/17): * complete overhaul of code...a second initial release version 0.1.1 (2002/12/08): * renamed functions and variables to have domMenu_* prefix * detect related target when doing mouseout to prevent excessive code execution * added select detection * eliminated unessary code in domMenu_close() version 0.1.0 (2002/10/30): * Initial release